About Us
Welcome to Matchless Enterprises
Matchless Enterprises was established in November 1985 to cater to the requirements of Man-made fiber Industry. We have concentrated on development of Yarn Suction Guns, Suction nozzles, Ball Joint couplings, Hydraulic systems for Spin pack dismantling along with Spare parts and assemblies for Spinning and Winding machines. In the past 27 years, we have developed more than 3000 parts/ assemblies and we regularly supply the same to most of the Man-made Fiber manufacturers having Spinning Winding machines in India and abroad. We have also developed Rotary Atomizers and Rotary Feeders for Spray Drying plants of Chemical Industries, food processing Industries, Milk Dairies and Pharmaceutical Industries. We supply the same to various Spray Drying plant manufacturers based in India and abroad. Thruster Rail Clamps and Hydraulic Rail clamps developed by us are used in Coal Handling plant Travelling tripper and Stacker/ Reclaimers. Mr.D.S. Diwanji, proprietor, Matchless Enterprises, has vast Industrial experience.
Manufacturing Activities
We have a modern machine shop, fabrication shop and assembly set up. Our workforce is qualified and experienced and Our quality control is strict.
Our main activities are :-
a) designing and development of Custom made machinery,
b) modifications and improvement in existing machines
c) repairs and maintenance of existing machines
d) manufacturing of spare parts/assemblies.
Design Activities
We have excellent design set up with latest machines and 3 D modeling software. Our Design Engineers are conversant with 3 D modeling.
Our Main Activities are :–
a) 3 D parametric Modeling and 2 D manufacturing drawings from hand drawn drawings
b) 3 D mid plane modeling from 2 D drawings for analysis
c) 3 D cosmetic modeling (only external shape and dimensions ) for Layout checking or for marketing purpose or for preparing manuals.
- Turning Section at Matchless Enterprises Plant
- Matchless Enterprises Plant